The Adobe AD0-E605 exam, which is for the “Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform Developer Expert” certification, covers topics like: understanding the Adobe Real-time CDP platform architecture, data ingestion methods, identity graph management, data stitching, customer profile creation, data governance, integrations with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, rule-based data processing, API usage, troubleshooting, and best practices for developing custom solutions within the CDP platform; essentially focusing on the technical aspects of building and managing a real-time customer data platform using Adobe’s tools.
Key areas covered in the AD0-E605 exam may include:
Data Ingestion:
- Data sources (CRM, website analytics, social media, etc.)
- Data ingestion methods (batch, streaming, APIs)
- Data validation and cleansing
Identity Graph:
- Customer identifier resolution
- Merging data from multiple sources into a unified profile
- Handling duplicate data and privacy concerns
Data Modeling and Segmentation:
- Creating customer segments based on attributes and behaviors
- Data schema design for the CDP
Data Activation:
- Real-time data delivery to downstream systems (marketing automation, advertising platforms, etc.)
- API usage for data integration
Platform Administration:
- User management and access controls
- Data governance and compliance
- Monitoring and troubleshooting
Integrations with other Adobe solutions:
- Adobe Analytics
- Adobe Target
- Adobe Campaign
Knowledge Domains covered
Section 1: Data Architecture (19%)
Section 2: Real-Time Customer Profile (15%)
Section 3: Data Ingestion (13%)
Section 4: Segmentation (18%)
Section 5: Activation (12%)
Section 6: Governance (9%)
Section 7: Administration (15%)
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